Order of the Sons and Daughters of India requires that members be a member of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity. Please indicate your status, include your KOF number, and click "I want to join this Order". |
If you have already registered in a holy order and have received an email confirmation with your user name and password, you do not need to register into the Holy Orders website again. All you need to do is send an email message to the Administrator of the Holy Orders, Susan Kulp and request to join an additional Order. In your email please mention your full name, the Order you have already joined, and the new Order you wish to join. If you are registering into an Order that requires that you are a KOF please indicate your KOF number if you have not already done so.
The Administrator will then contact you by email confirming that you can log in to the new Holy Order you are joining. You will be able to log in with your current user name and password. Click here to send an email to the Holy Orders Administrator