Order of the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe
Purpose of order
The Order of the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe is a fraternity composed of Ascended Masters and their embodied students dedicated to the enlightenment of all people of God through the flame of wisdom and illumination. The Ascended Master Kuthumi sponsors this Order.

Kuthumi, also known as the Master Psychologist, was formerly the chohan of the second ray of wisdom and now serves with Jesus in the Office of World Teacher. His Order is open to devotees serving on the second ray under Lord Lanto. Members aspire to grow in wisdom's flame and develop the heart chakra through the path of ministering servant. Their goal is to raise up the Mother Light through the purification of their chakras and to receive the initiation of the opening of their crown chakra.
"We count among our band Ascended Ones who have espoused the golden flame of illumination as a means of imparting peace to mankind as well as those unascended brothers and sisters who desire to become the peaceful presence of His wisdom to all mankind."
In a dictation in 1973 given through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet entitled, The Messenger of Peace: The Call to Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe, Kuthumi calls for students to join his Order of the Golden Robe and to study with him on inner levels. He says:
"We are looking for recruits. Therefore I write to you to apprise you of the fact that there are openings in our chambers, in our libraries, and in our retreats-openings for those who diligently call and are willing to be the allness of the All to hearts hungry for the Flame…"
Kuthumi, has two retreats located on the etheric plane. The Temple of Illumination in Kashmir, India, and another focus in Shigatse,Tibet. He invites us to soul-travel to his retreat in Kashmir while our body rests at night to prepare to become world teachers. There, Kuthumi tells us, we will study the teachings of the Masters of the Himalayas who have outlined a course of instruction for the teachers of the mankind.
How to Qualify to become a member of the Order of the Golden RobeIf you are interested in becoming a member of the Order of the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe you can apply directly to the Ascended Master Kuthumi:
- Write him a letter and ask him to receive you for training in his retreat in Kashmir. Then, burn your letter in a physical fire. Ministering angels will take your letter to the Master.
- When you retire at night make the following call:
In the name of the Christ, my own Real Self, I call to the heart of my mighty I AM Presence and to beloved Archangel Michael to take me in my soul consciousness to The Temple of Illumination in Kashmir, India. I ask to be trained on inner levels by beloved Kuthumi and the Masters of the Himalayas in preparation to become a world teacher. I ask that all information necessary for the fulfillment of my divine plan be released to my outer waking consciousness, as it is required. I thank thee and I accept it done according to God's holy will.
The Order of the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe has a special relationship to the Order of Francis and Clare®.
Kuthumi was embodied as Saint Francis and also sponsors the Order of Francis and Clare. The Messenger tells us that Kuthumi works with "students who are members of the Order of Francis and Clare, all of those who wish to accelerate in the understanding of the teachings of God and graduate to the level of serving under the World Teachers…"
The Master gives us insight into how these two Orders are related: "May you then be striving ones. May you remember also that the fulfillment of the Order of Francis and Clare in the etheric octave is now through the Order of the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe. It is the golden robe of the World Teachers and of Christhood, and it is the golden dawn of illumination to the earth."
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"...there are openings in our chambers, in our libraries, and in our retreats-openings for those who diligently call and are willing to be the allness of the All to hearts hungry for the Flame…"Kuthumi