Order of the good samaritan
Purpose of order
Membership in the Order of the Good Samaritan is a wonderful opportunity to join in service with others and give love and comfort to those who are suffering.
"The first requirement of the Good Samaritan is to care for those in need-physical need, spiritual need, emotional need-to provide care and comfort and compassion, to go forth and to be able to intelligently help souls who are suffering from whatever dire accident or affliction has befallen them, and to be sensitive to the fact that many suffer extreme burdens of a psychological nature who also must be tended."

This Order is on the First Ray of the will of God, the Fifth Ray of science and healing and the Seventh Ray of freedom and alchemy.
Those interested in joining the Order must first fulfill the following outer requirements:
- Member of the Keepers of the Flame®Fraternity.
- Current in First Aid and CPR certification.
- Foot Reflexology Course (optional).
- Own a First Aid Kit.
- Hold and official Good Samaritan membership card.
- Take part in an investiture ceremony (optional). Members must also meet the inner requirements of the spirit of the "perpetual helper," who demonstrates the motto "I AM my brother's keeper!"
Wednesday evening healing service, "Watch with Me!" Jesus's Vigil of the Hours and/or the Tuesday Evening Vigil to El Morya.
- To be developed by those who join this Holy Order.
- The mission and vision should include concepts from the teachings of ascended masters and any other teaching that pertains to this Holy Order.
An example of a mission statement: "I AM on Call because I AM the Good Samaritan!"
- This ancient Order is sponsored by Ascended Master El Morya and members are dedicated to embodying the Will of God.
- Members give the Watch With Me" Jesus'Vigil of the Hours weekly.
- Members identify themselves not only as their brother's keeper but as the Good Samaritan at all times-twenty-four hours a day.
- An Order of qualified adults and youth whose goal is to be the perpetual helper in service to the causes of the First Ray of the Will of God, the Fifth Ray of healing, and the Seventh Ray of Freedom and Divine Justice.
- The way of the Good Samaritan is to be on hand in life and death emergencies.
- Members keep current on First Aid and CPR certification.
- Decree 10.03, I AM God's Will.
- Decree 10.07, El Morya, Thou Chohan of Power.
- Decrees of the violet flame for the healing of the four lower bodies and the planet.
- Healing prayers and decrees.
- Rosaries to Mother Mary.
- Decree 0.20, Special Decree for Christ-Enfoldment of Ones You Love.
- Decree 60.04, I AM My Brother's Keeper.
- Study the Pearl of Wisdom®, vol. 27, no. 52 by beloved Jesus and El Morya, "A Study in Christhood by the Great Initiator, The Order of the Good Samaritan," October 28, 1984.
- Study the Pearl of Wisdom®, vol. 27, no. 55 by Beloved Sanat Kumara, "A Study in Christhood by the Great Initiator, The Good Samaritan Hospital," November 18, 1984.
- Study the book, The Sacred Adventure, by El Morya.
- I pledge to offer physical, emotional, and spiritual care to all whom I meet on the road of life.
- I AM a ministering servant who provides emergency assistance until health care professionals arrive.
Charity Work
- Volunteer to help life in every capacity such Neighbor Watch, get trained in crisis counseling, and be a volunteer fireman.
- Volunteer to lead a Boy or Girls Scout troop.
Contact Information
- For questions or to send your creative ideas for this or other Holy Orders please e-mail HolyOrders@tsl.org.
- Or you can contact customer service 1-800-245-5445 or 1-406-848-9500.
- All footnotes are referenced on the teachings section.