Order of the Golden Lily
Purpose of order
Members of this Holy Order are those who have an inner calling to the path of the fourth ray of purity, discipline, and joy, and desire to qualify themselves as a candidate for the ascension. This Order provides mutual reinforcement with those in community who are devoted to a similar path of service.
The Order of the Golden Lily is dedicated to assisting souls making their transition through the astral plane and to helping souls arrive safely in the etheric octave at the retreats of the ascended masters. Members of this Order attend the Friday night Ascension Service dedicated to the illumination and the cutting free of souls of light trapped on the astral plane and the weekly clearing of discarnate entities from the planetary body.

Members pledge the following:
- Weekly attendance at the Friday night Ascension service.
- Give decree 10.14, Decree to Beloved Mighty Astrea, daily.
- Guard the flame of purity by adhering to the standards of this Holy Order by either being married or single and celibate.
- To be developed by those who join this Holy Order.
- The mission and vision should include concepts from the teachings of ascended masters and any other teaching that pertains to this Holy Order.
- Daily devotions to Serapis Bey, Chohan of the Fourth Ray, and the legions of Seraphim that work with him.
- To guard the flame of purity and assist souls to purify their chakras, it is recommended that members of this Order be either married or single and celibate.
- Weekly attendance at the Saint Germain Service on Saturday. If a member doesn't live near a teaching center or study group he or she may give a two hour service at home based on Church Universal and Triumphant® Services and Rituals Manual.
- Members are encouraged to wear white during the Friday night Ascension Service to represent the flame of purity.
- Members could wear a pearl, diamond ring, medal or pin as an outward symbol of this Holy Order.
- Weekly attendance at the Friday night Ascension Service. If a member doesn't live near a teaching center or study group he or she may give a two hour service at home based on Church Universal and Triumphant® Services and Rituals Manual.
- Daily decrees to the Elohim Astrea, decree 10.14, Decree to Beloved Mighty Astrea-"The Starry Mother," for the binding of all entities and the clearing of the astral plane.
- Decrees to the violet flame to purify the chakras.
- Decree 7.29, Great Karmic Board.
- Decree 20.07, The Judgment Call, "They Shall Not Pass!" for the judgment of drugs, rock music, abortion, etc.
- Bija mantras for the raising of the light of the Divine Mother.)
- Purity decrees and songs.
- Partake of Holy Communion at least once a week. (Those who do not live near a teaching center or study group may serve Holy Communion at home. Follow the instructions for blessing Holy Communion in the Ashram Rituals booklet by the Ascended Master El Morya.
- Study the teachings on the ascension as put forth through the teachings of the ascended masters by the Messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. This includes dictations by the ascended masters on the Fourth Ray found in the Pearls of Wisdom.®
- Read Dossier on the Ascension by Serapis Bey and The Path to Your Ascension: Rediscovering Life's Ultimate Purpose by Annice Booth.
- Read the dictations by the Goddess of Liberty in the Pearls of Wisdom.
- Read Imitation of Christ by Thomas 'a Kempis.
- Strive to apply the teachings of the ascended masters and specifically teachings by Serapis Bey and other Fourth Ray masters in your daily life and share them with others.
- Members who enter this Order on a probationary status vow to give decree 10.14, Decree to Beloved Mighty Astrea, 12 times daily. Members who desire to be considered full time members give decree 10.14 36 times daily.
- Give decrees on the Fourth Ray of purity and violet flame decrees.
- Attend the Friday night Ascension Service weekly.
- Guard the flame of purity by adhering to the standards of this Order by either being married or single and celibate.
- Hospice work
- Habitat for Humanity Community volunteer (architecture is part of the Fourth Ray).
- Any charity work that pertains to the Fourth Ray.
- For questions or to send your creative ideas for this or other Holy Orders please e-mail HolyOrders@tsl.org.
- Or you can contact customer service 1-800-245-5445 or 1-406-848-9500.
The Order of the Golden Lily is the fraternity who spends its energies to create assistance to souls that are departing this world,